Adult Disc

Protection for Life.

The Adult Disc was specifically designed to be worn over the thymus which is the core of our immune system so comes with an adjustable cotton cord.

During the proprietary manufacturing process the vibrational signature of the metal (Titanium) has been varied so that it acts as a transceiver of specific photons (packets of light/energy).

The Adult Disc has the effect of strengthening the energy field, helping to alleviate the bio-energy effects of man-made EMF/EMR protecting the bio energy of the body .

The effect  is similar to that of an antidote, which transforms a poison to neutral and educates the body to resist the poison next time.

  • The Adult Disc should be worn continuously for the first 24 hours and beyond.(always)
  • After 24 hours your Disc will have adapted to your own energy and DNA matrix and should then not be worn by other people if you can help it.
  • It can however still be used as a healing disk to help others if needed with migraines,pains,burns and neuralgia.
  • Also great when placed near Food and Drinks.

Testing has been done on a variety of people after they have worn the Adult Disc in the correct position for 24 hours.

These results have been observed on biofeedback equipment such as: EEG, showing brain wave activity, Micro Capillary Microscope showing blood flow, Acutec , Ridoraqu & Prognos , computer programs which test via the meridian system.



Before Wearing.Acutec-before

Acutec-afterAfter wearing for 5 Minutes


The Adult Disc  adapts to your own personal DNA matrix, so your energy field becomes stronger and more balanced.

Aura Photo showing the Photon light energy of a Disc
Aura Photo showing the Photon light energy of a Disc

The Adult Disc helps you cope with the polluted EM environment and boosts clarity and focus.

The Disc also increases activity in the lower brain Alpha/Theta frequencies as usually happens in deep meditation creating a strong calming effect .

All Adult Discs are £68.00 each

Here are some shapes and designs:
